About DTM

Financial Planning With Principles.

Daniel Morris Financial Adviser

About Dan

Daniel Morris is the founder of DTM Private Wealth. He has helped 100s of expats to plan, save and invest to reach their financial goals whilst saving 1000s more from mis-sold investment plans. 

He’s provided advice in the UK & in the UAE for the last 10 years and continues to advise expats globally.

He’s given financial and investment advice to people from all walks of life, from family offices, to business owners, to people starting out on their financial journey, he believes that everyone who needs financial advice should have access to it. 

Daniel isn’t just passionate about excellent financial advice, he’s also passionate about exposing financial mis-selling and investing scandals. He co-founded saved.ae to reach over 2,000 expats and make them aware of the costs of regular savings contracts. So far the site has saved expats a total of over $1.83 million in fees. 

As time passed, Daniel realised firms focused on ethical advice don’t care about helping “the little guy” as it’s not as profitable and traditional wealth management firms don’t want to lift the lid on a problem they created and continue to add too for profit, he left them to be independent.  

Daniel is a UK qualified financial adviser and has an Investment Advice Diploma from the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment in the UK. The Diploma covers investments, risk, tax, financial regulation & ethics, and financial planning & advice. He’s also a UK qualified mortgage adviser with the London Institute of Banking and finance. 

If you have any questions, comments or want personalised advice reach out to Daniel by scheduling a call. He won’t bite, but does tend to write glowing reviews of himself in the 3rd person.

Feeling stuck when it comes to money management?

Perhaps you’ve never invested or just simply don’t have the time to learn. Maybe you’ve invested before and lost money due to a financial salesperson. It may be the case you’ve been investing yourself but you recognise there may be something you’re overlooking. It could even be that your situation is just too complex to manage alone. 

You’ve established you might need some help.  There’s a problem though. Expat financial advice is a minefield. All you need is:

  • Someone to understand you and what you want.
  • To build a plan of how to achieve what you want. 
  • To be competent and following a disciplined, evidenced-based approach to get you there.
  • Tell you how much the advice will cost.
  • For the cost of the advice to be less than the value you will get.
Is that really too much to ask? Absolutely not.  

How can DTM help?

Whatever your needs, dreams or aspirations, however simple or complex your current situation is, I can build a plan to help you get the most from your money and achieve your goals.

What I do:

  • Learn about you, your goals & what you’re looking to achieve.
  • Build a plan based on what you’ll need to do to achieve those goals.
  • Invest according to an evidence-based approach, that ties in with your goals.
  • Help you stay on track & amend your plan as your goals & life change.
  • Charge a transparent fee based on the complexity and time taken to deliver your advice.
  • Ensure that you get significantly more value from the service than the cost of the fee charged. 

What I don’t do:

  • Sell  financial or investment products for a commission.
  • Lock you into complex contracts.
  • Set/sell false expectations.
  • Spend your review meetings trying to sell products.

What our clients say

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Brittany Foxx
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidi dunt ut labore et dolore magna.
Edward Woo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidi dunt ut labore et dolore magna.
Samantha Gilbert
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