Investment Management

Get more from your money.

What is investment management?

Investment management is the process of making a series of decisions about investments. 

It involves understanding the evidence & research around asset classes, investment types and how they behave. Then selecting the most appropriate combination of investments for your goals, tolerance for risk and time horizon. 

It is a continual process which involves adjustments over time. There are typically two types of adjustments to be made over time:

  • Re-balancing is the process of restoring the portfolio of assets to their original proportions and typically happens annually. 
  • Changes to investment allocation, is the process of shifting the proportion of each type of asset over time.

An example of this might be reducing the proportion of your investments in equities and towards typically safer less volatile asset classes such as bonds as you approach retirement. 


When do I invest my money?

There is never a bad time to invest. That is because research shows us that those who stay invested in a well diversified portfolio over the long run out perform those that try time their entry and exit into the financial markets by a substantial margin.

The old adage “it’s time in the market, not timing the market” is often repeated by investment managers and DIY investors alike and has held true over the years.  

Why is investment management important?

Investment management is important as it will enable you to get the most out of your money and ensure your investments are in line with your goals. 

The process will help to:

  • Achieve a better risk-adjusted return on your investments.
  • Ensure your portfolio aligns with a specific goal such as retirement, funding your child’s education or a large purchase.
  • Reduce the impact of external variables such as fluctuations in the financial markets on your  goals. 
Contrary to popular belief, investment management is less about wildly outperforming the broader financial markets. It is more about aligning your investments and how they are allocated in proportion to your goals and managing small important decisions over time. 

What our clients say

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Brittany Foxx
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidi dunt ut labore et dolore magna.
Edward Woo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidi dunt ut labore et dolore magna.
Samantha Gilbert
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